My Family

My Family

Monday, 7 March 2011

Reflections and Observations Week Two

ICT's and ICT's for Learning Design takes up alot of my study time. For it to be an effective aid and tool to support pedagogy, it needs to be tested and tried. I can see now that merging ICT's and pedagogy is no simple feat. Its going to be a major challenge for me. I can see now that the course employs many strategies as a way to include theories of connectivism and constructivism in the tasks. Adding to that, I can also see alot of using Blooms Domains and Engagement theory too. Sooo many ways and theories. So finding the balance is the key, as to not exclude a certain type of learner.

I feel I must apologise to Prensky for basically trashing his argument on  the 'digital natives' debate. Why? cos my seven year old did exactly what Prensky argued. It was during a chess game my son was playing against some adults, that my child pulled out his DS and played between manouvers. This astounded me because initially I though my child was being rude, but when put in context to Prenskys argument, it became very clear that 21st century learners require fast outcomes, can mulit-task and still be engaged at two different things at the same time.

Now that said, how am I be going to teach these new learners when I feel antiquated myself? Doublts....many doubts.

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